Friday, July 11, 2008

Masking delights ...

I got outta my little bed,
to earn my daily bread.
I met the mirror on the way,
and he asked me,
What face would you like today -
tHe sweet,fUnny,Merry,nOnsensical giRl,
tHe Utterly Modest,nO-nonsense giRl,
tHe Ultra aMbitious, Optimistic giRl,
tHe soUr,Melancholy,intrOspecting giRl,
tHe shoUting,angry,Madly jealOus giRl,
or tHe qUaking,iMpressionable,nervOus giRl ?

Part of me each one of them are,
Linked by a thread free of cost,
but scarce,oh so inhumanly scarce!
The one which knows man from beast,
the one which is plenty in love but rare in war.
If you have noticed it too, my friend,
then your lovely comment do send. :)