Wednesday, November 22, 2006


Finally finally finally.....the storm has passed and I am flooded by that wonderful feeling once again... Guess what? ENDSEMS OVER ! And that means a month of complete freedom ..... God knows I deserved this...:D
This was a sem of changes ... my room changed , my roomie changed, my friends changed , and moreover I changed.. and a lot at that....
The sem started off with a bang , earlier for me than for most. Ok I guess its about time to tell you all my side of the saga....
I was held guilty of putting proxy in a class and was DACed !!! You wuld think it to be the height of irony for me to be punished for getting a proxy done when its so easy to see that each and every IITian puts proxies daily...and I was among the moooooooooooost regular ones.... :(( :((
Well I was a little less mature then and I was naturally most upset over this.. Let me make it clear to you that the punishment itself was no problem (which involved teaching english to drop-outs). But the fact that I got a punishment was tormenting me lik anything..I dont know but I felt so lost then...It just was'nt fair...not fair at all.....
On the flip side this incident helped me grow. Mebbe it was a blessing in disguise. I know I culd'nt have done it without the help of my sister and parents but in the end my perseverance paid off..I was condoned and held " not guilty" of the happiest moments of my life:)
Again, problems were far from over for me...I had to put up some fight to keep a ground floor room.. I and vandu were being forced to shift to the second floor. I refused and once again my resilience paid off...[:D]
So this is what I have concluded that you HAVE to put in a Fight( a fight with a capital F ) for a thing you want . Only then will you get it. Only thing important is for you to decide how badly you want a thing. Also if you can visualize urself not getting the thing , then believe me you never will get it. Life is long with many ups and downs but if there were not any downs we wuld'nt appreciate the ups all that much , right?
Actually gotta loads to tell u all..but i have also learned not to tell everyone everything .. so sorry [:d]

Here's a pic taken on department dheench day (heard that blogs with pics receive more hits :P )


vandana said...

u really enlightened this mortal and hope u will enlighten few more mortals...:D

Aditya said...

The feeling of getting caught while doing something when you that you were the "master" that is truly a learning experience....couldn't agree more.!!(personal experience says so.. :D)

Nice keep writing...I see you have stopped updating the blog!

And about me..the visitor who hit this blog because of the picture :P
(A random Wanderer to be precise ;))